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Guidelines for doctoral colleges

Guidelines of the Rectorate for the establishment of doctoral programmes at the University of Innsbruck

These guidelines regulate the requirements for establishing doctoral colleges (in short: "DC") at the University of Innsbruck. The central element of the DC is the structured training of doctoral candidates at the highest scientific level. This is to be realised through an interdisciplinary approach, integration into the top-level research of the University of Innsbruck, the mobility of doctoral candidates and the promotion of generic competences (soft skills). The colleges are closely linked to the University of Innsbruck's research area.

By bringing together highly qualified academics - preferably from  different disciplines - a DC provides young researchers with to be part of the research process and the scientific community. The doctoral candidates are thus offered to do their research on an international  level and are given the opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration. They are also given the opportunity to publish their research results  (inter)nationally at an early stage or to present them to the  international scientific community at conferences.

The two most important components of a DC for doctoral students are the original research work in the form of the dissertation and the regular meetings of all junior researchers with the DC dissertation supervisors. These meetings promote both academic discussions and the exchange between different subject areas, thereby strengthening joint publication activities.

The doctoral candidates of the DC complete a special programme defined in the statutes of the respective DC, which should include a regular interdisciplinary scientific exchange of all junior researchers with each other and with the dissertation supervisors in the context of DC seminars, DC meetings and summer/winter schools. The respective ECTS credits must be specified in the programme for the DK events related to the curriculum. If possible, the doctoral candidates should spend several months at a university or research institution abroad.

  • Association of highly qualified academics (at least five academics who are authorised to supervise dissertations)
  • Interdisciplinary networking through the participation of academics from several institutes or faculties or other universities or research institutions
  • Acceptance or simultaneous supervision of at least ten outstanding doctoral candidates
  • Supervision of doctoral candidates in interdisciplinary teams with at least one actively involved second supervisor who is also a member of the DC
  • Double review of the dissertation with an external expert opinion
  • Organisation of interdisciplinary summer/winter schools
  • Publications with national and international partners
  • Participation of doctoral candidates in international conferences
  • Stay of the doctoral candidates at a foreign university or research institution
  • Issuing statutes including a programme for the DC

In principle, these criteria are intended for the establishment of a DC; in duly justified exceptional cases, individual criteria may be waived at the discretion of the Rectorate.


DC are voluntary associations of highly qualified academics and are supervised by the member of the Rectorate responsible for the research area. This does not affect the responsibility of the body responsible for study law.

DC are intended to complement the existing successful research area at the University of Innsbruck. DC are therefore linked to existing research centres or research platforms. In exceptional cases, the connection to a research centre may be justified. The establishment of a DC is carried out by unanimous decision of the Rectorate after appropriate assessment.

Applications can be submitted by the founding members at any time to the Rectorate member responsible for the research area, together with a description of the planned DC. The assessment is carried out according to the criteria mentioned above under point 3. After the Rectorate has decided to set up the DC, the members of a DC adopt the statutes.

Members are academics who team up for the purpose of setting up and carrying out a DC and are authorised to supervise dissertations. Academics from other universities or research institutions may also participate in DC.

The founding members must establish statutes for the DC that fulfil the requirements set out in this guideline and therefore contain, among other things

  • Description and research context of the DC
  • Programme
  • Transparent quality criteria for the admission of doctoral candidates
  • Bodies of the DC including responsibilities (e.g. spokesperson, deputy spokesperson, meetings of the members, scientific advisory board, doctoral candidate advisory board)
  • Procedure for the adoption of decisions

The statutes may not deviate fundamentally from the preliminary description submitted to the Rectorate. In addition, before a decision is made regarding the programme contained therein, they must be reviewed by the responsible study law body with regard to the allocation of DC courses, DC conferences and summer/winter schools taking place as well as any necessary allocation in the catalogue of teaching objectives or recognition of examinations (§ 78 UG) within the framework of the respective curricula of the doctoral programmes concerned. The Rectorate provides a model for DC statutes.

Decisions are generally made by the members of the DC. Decisions must be made in accordance with the procedure laid down in the statutes (quorums, quotas, majority requirements, etc.). All curriculum-related decisions of the DC must be approved by the responsible body responsible for study law.

A spokesperson and a deputy spokesperson shall be elected from among the members. The spokesperson must have an active employment at the University of Innsbruck.

Other highly qualified academics can submit an informal application to the spokesperson at any time to become a member of the DC. Admission requires at least one doctoral candidate to join the DC.

A member leaves the DC at his/her own request. Each member is obliged to inform the spokesperson immediately of any expected resignation. The remaining DKCmembers must ensure that the doctoral candidates supervised by the departing member continue to be supervised for their ongoing research work and their dissertation, insofar as the doctoral candidate wishes to remain in the DC.

All doctoral candidates who are accepted into a DC must be enrolled as full students in a doctoral programme at one of the universities participating in the DCCand registered for continuation. For admission to a DC, criteria based on transparent quality criteria and an application process (e.g. written application including a letter of recommendation) must be defined in advance in the DC statutes. Applications must be submitted to the DC spokesperson via the supervisor. The selection and admission of doctoral candidates is carried out by the members of the DC in a closed meeting according to the defined criteria.

The doctoral candidate leaves the DC (i) at his/her own request, (ii) upon completion of the doctoral programme or (iii) after exmatriculation - whichever occurs first.

After successfully completing all the coursework prescribed in the respective curriculum of the doctoral programme, the doctoral candidate is awarded the academic degree specified in the respective curriculum, irrespective of participation in a DC. For participation in a doctoral programme, the doctoral candidate receives a formal confirmation of participation from the spokesperson, which certifies the participation as well as the achievements including the stay abroad as part of the doctoral programme. The spokesperson must forward a copy of the confirmation of participation to the Examination Office.

A DC ends after:

  • Decision of its members or
  • permanently falling below the minimum number of members or supervised doctoral candidates or
  • two negative evaluations or
  • Decision of the Rectorate.

In the event of the dissolution/termination of the DC, the doctoral candidates already admitted to the DC must be given the opportunity to receive a confirmation of participation in the DC. However, this presupposes that the doctoral candidate concerned has completed the majority of the programme and only the dissertation is still pending.


Existing centres of specialisation are evaluated at regular intervals with regard to their future prospects and quality assurance and exist for a limited period of time. The respective spokesperson must report to the member of the Rectorate responsible for the research area at intervals of several years upon request. The evaluation is carried out on the basis of the submitted report, taking into account the criteria mentioned under point 3.

This guide has been valid since 02/03/2016.

The guideline as PDF-Download

Enquiries & advice

Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Research Information and Intellectual Capital Report

Dr Doris Mangott

+43 512 507 20104

Innrain 52
A-6020 Innsbruck

Office hours
Monday - Friday: 8 am - 5 pm
Appointments by arrangement

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