University of Innsbruck
Department of Ecology
Research Group: Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology
Sternwartestrasse 15 (Room 102)
A-6020 Innsbruck
T +43 (0)512 507-51601
F +43 (0)512 507-51699
Research interests
- Effects of global change on mountain ecosystems
- Plant functional traits and ecosystem processes
- Plant-soil interactions
LUCSES Forecasting impacts of land-use and climate change on ecosystem services from shrub-encroached mountain grassland (FWF, 2021-2025), PI: Georg Leitinger
Tello-García, E.; Huber, L.; Leitinger, G.; Peters, A.; Newesely, C.; Ringler, M-E.; Tasser, E. (2020): Drought- and heat-induced shifts in vegetation composition impact biomass production and water use of Alpine grasslands.
In: Environmental and Experimental Botany 169, No. 103921. (DOI)
Tello-García, E., Gamboa-Badilla, N., Álvarez, E., Fuentes, L., Basnou, C., Espelta, J.M., Pino, J. (2021) Plant species surplus in recent peri-urban forests: the role of forest connectivity, species’ habitat requirements and dispersal types. Biodiversity and Conservation 30, 365–384
Bernués, A., Tello-García, E., Rodríguez-Ortega, T., Ripoll-Bosch, R., Casasús, I. (2016) Agricultural practices, ecosystem services and sustainability in High Nature Value farmland: Unraveling the perceptions of farmers and nonfarmers. Land Use Policy 59, 130-142
Courses / Lectures
master's Programme Ecology and Biodiversity
- Ecological Project Study (PJ 743252)
master's Programme Microbiology
- Mutualistic Symbiosis (UE 718747)