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Maja Šrut – Universität Innsbruck

Šrut Maja Ph.D.

Institut für Zoologie
Universität Innsbruck
Technikerstr. 25
6020 Innsbruck



Current research:

My current research focuses on assessing the epigenetic changes in organisms stressed by changing environmental conditions (e.g. pollution). By examining genome wide and gene specific changes in DNA methylation patterns induced by heavy metals and linking them to the expression of genes, we try to answer how the organisms adapt to changes in their environment. Furthermore, I focus on studying transgenerational epigenetic inheritance and persistence of environmentally induced epigenetic changes.

Curriculum vitae                    

2023 -Independent researcher/PI on a FWF project “Heavy metal induced epigenetic modifications”, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Zoology, Innsbruck, Austria
2021 - 2022Maternity leave
2019 - 2021Independent researcher/PI on a FWF project “Heavy metal induced epigenetic modifications”, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Zoology, Innsbruck, Austria
2017 - 2019Maternity leave
2017Postdoctoral researcher/higher assistant, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Croatia
2015-2016Independent researcher at the University of Innsbruck, Institute of Zoology, Austria
2012 - 2014 Postdoctoral researcher/higher assistant, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Croatia
Academic training
2007 - 2012    Doctoral student/assistant, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Croatia; Doctoral thesis “Genome stability of zebrafish (Danio rerio, Hamilton,1822) after exposure to model genotoxicants”, Supervisor: Goran Klobučar; Awarded:
2000 - 2006 Degree in Biology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, Zagreb, Croatia, Awarded: Biology-ecology 

Funding and grants                    

2019 - 2021Lise Meitner grant for project entitled “Heavy metal induced epigenetic modifications” financed by the Austrian National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development (FWF) and Bundesland Tirol
2016 - 2017 Project entitled “Epigenetic alterations and their role in earthworm acclimatization to soil metal pollution” material and personnel costs founded by the Tiroler Wissenschaftsfond (TWF); traveling costs founded by the Croatian – Austrian bilateral project
2015 Project entitled “Genetic and epigenetic background governing organism response toward heavy-metal pollution” founded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (Ernst Mach grant)
2011Project entitled “Genotoxicity, long-term DNA alterations and gene expression variations upon exposure to model genotoxicants in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and PAC zebrafish cell line” funded by the Croatian Science Foundation for research stay at the University of Bordeaux, Arcachon Marine Station, France



Šrut M, Sabolić I, Erdelez A, Grbin D, Furdek Turk M, Bakarić R, Peharda M, Štambuk A. Marine pollutant tributyltin affects DNA methylation and fitness of banded murex (Hexaplex trunculus) populations. Toxics 11 (2023) 276.

Šrut M. Environmental epigenetics in soil ecosystems: earthworms as model organisms. Toxics 10 (2022) 406.

Aigner G.P, Nenning P, Fiechtner B, Šrut M, Höckner M. DNA Methylation and Detoxification in the Earthworm Lumbricus terrestris Exposed to Cadmium and the DNA Demethylation Agent 5-aza-2´-deoxycytidine. Toxics 10 (2022) 100.

Šrut M, Peer B, Fiechtner B, Egg M, Sandbichler AM, Höckner M. Aging cell culture - genetic and metabolic effects of passage number on zebrafish Z3 cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 56 (2022) 50-65.

Aigner G.P, Pittl V, Fiechtner B, Egger B, Šrut M#, Höckner M#. Common mechanisms cannot explain time- and dose-dependent DNA methylation changes in earthworms exposed to cadmium. Science of the Total Environment 812 (2022) 151468. #shared last authorship.

Šrut M. Ecotoxicological epigenetics in invertebrates: Emerging tool for the evaluation of present and past pollution burden. Chemosphere 282 (2021) 131026.

Vilić M, Žura Žaja I, Tkalec M, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Klobučar G, Malarić K, Tucak P, Pašić S, Tlak Gajger I. Effects of a radio frequency electromagnetic field on honey bee larvae (Apis mellifera) differ in relation to the experimental study design. Veterinarski Arhiv 91 (2021), 427-435.

Bourdineaud J-P, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Radić Brkanac S, Ivanković D, Lisjak D, Sauerborn Klobučar R, Dragun Z, Bačić N, Klobučar GIV. Gold and silver nanoparticles effects to the earthworm Eisenia fetida - the importance of tissue over soil concentrations. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 44 (2021) 12-29.

Grbin D, Sabolić I, Klobučar G, Dennis SR, Šrut M, Bakarić R, Baković V, Radić Brkanac S, Nosil P, Štambuk A. Biomarker response of Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis regarding environmental conditions, pollution impact and seasonal effects. Science of the Total Environment 694 (2019) 133470.

Šrut M, Menke S, Höckner M, Sommer S. Earthworms and cadmium – Heavy metal resistant gut bacteria as indicators for heavy metal pollution in soils? Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (2019) 171:843-853.

Perović S, Šljukić B, Šrut M, Perović A, Klobučar GIV. Evaluation of DNA damage in haemolymph of freshwater mussels Unio pictorum from Lake Skadar. Biologia (2019) 1-6.

Bourdineaud J-P, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Radić Brkanac S, Ivanković D, Lisjak D, Sauerborn Klobučar R, Dragun Z, Bačić N, Klobučar GIV. Gold and silver nanoparticles effects to the earthworm Eisenia fetida - the importance of tissue over soil concentrations. Drug and Chemical Toxicology (2019)

Šrut M, Drechsel V, Höckner M. Low levels of Cd induce persisting epigenetic modifications and acclimation mechanisms in the earthworm L. terrestris. Plos One (2017) 12(4): e0176047.

Drechsel V, Schauer K, Šrut M, Höckner M. Regulatory plasticity of earthworm MT2 gene expression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2017) 18 (1113): doi:10.3390/ijms18061113.

Bourdineaud J-P, Šrut M, Štambuk A, Tkalec M, Brethes D, Malarić K, Klobučar GIV. Electromagnetic fields at the mobile phone frequency (900 MHz) trigger the onset of the general stress response along with DNA modifications in Eisenia fetida earthworms. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology (2017) 68:142-152.

Vilić M, Tlak Gajger I, Tucak P, Štanbuk A, Šrut M, Klobučar GIV, Malarić K, Žura Žaja I, Pavelić A, Manger M, Tkalec M. Effects of short-term exposure to mobile phone radiofrequency on the antioxidative response and genotoxicity in honeybee larvae (Apis mellifera). Journal of Apicultural Research (2017) doi: 10.1080/00218839.2017.1329798.

Šrut M, Bourdineaud J-P, Štambuk A, Klobučar GIV. Genomic and gene expression responses to genotoxic stress in PAC2 zebrafish embryonic cell line. Journal of Applied Toxicology 35 (2015) 1381-1389.

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Bourdineaud J-P, Klobučar GIV. Zebrafish genome stability after exposure to model genotoxicants. Ecotoxicology 24 (2015) 887-902.

Thomas EG, Šrut M, Štambuk A, Klobučar GIV, Seitz A, Griebeler EM. Effects of freshwater pollution on the genetics of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) at the molecular and population level. BioMed Research International (2014) Article ID 795481.

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Klobučar GIV. What is Comet assay not telling us: AFLP reveals wider aspects of genotoxicity. Toxicology in Vitro 27 (2013) 1226-1232.

Štambuk A, Šrut M, Šatović Z, Tkalec M, Klobučar GIV. Gene flow vs. pollution pressure: Genetic diversity of Mytilus galloprovincialis in eastern Adriatic. Aquatic Toxicology 136– 137 (2013) 22– 31.

Radić S, Gregorović G, Stipaničev D, Cvjetko P, Šrut M, Vujčić V, Oreščanin V, Klobučar GIV. Assessment of surface water in the vicinity of fertilizer factory using fish and plants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 96 (2013) 32-40.

Tkalec M, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Malarić K, Klobučar GIV. Oxidative and genotoxic effects of 900 MHz electromagnetic fields in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 90 (2013) 7-12.

Klobučar GIV, Malev O, Šrut M, Štambuk A, Lorenzon S, Cvetković Ž, Ferrero EA, Maguire I. Genotoxicity monitoring of freshwater environments using caged crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus). Chemosphere 87 (2012) 62-67.

Klobučar GIV, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Husnjak I, Merkaš M, Traven L, Cvetković Ž. Aporrectodea caliginosa, a suitable earthworm species for field based genotoxicity assessment? Environmental pollution 159 (2011) 841-849.

Mlinarec J, Mužić M, Pavlica M, Šrut M, Klobučar GIV, Maguire I. Comparative karyotype investigations in the European crayfish Astacus astacus and A. leptodactylus (Decapoda, Astacidae). Crustaceana 84 (2011) 1497-1510.

Šrut M, Traven L, Štambuk A, Kralj S, Žaja R, Mićović V, Klobučar GIV. Genotoxicity of marine sediments in the fish hepatoma cell line PLHC-1 as assessed by the Comet assay. Toxicology in Vitro 25 (2011) 308-314.

Malev O, Šrut M, Lorenzon S, Maguire I, Štambuk A, Ferrero EA, Klobučar GIV. Genotoxic, physiological and immunological effects caused by temperature increase, hypoxia or food deprivation in freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. Comparative biochemistry and physiology C Toxicology & pharmacology 152 (2010) 433-443.

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Pavlica M, Klobučar GIV. Caging exposure of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) for in situ assessment of pollution-related genotoxicity. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 61 (2010) 29-36.


Presentations at conferences

Conference lectures

Šrut M, Drechsel V, Nemati N, Salvatore M, Höckner M. Epigenetic alterations in heavy metal stressed earthworms. 2016. ESCPB Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Barcelona, Spain

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Erdelez A, Polović D, Furdek M, Peharda M, Klobučar GIV. Impact of coastal pollution on epigenetics and reproductive fitness of marine snail Hexaplex trunculus. 2015. Croatian biological congress, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Bourdineaud J-P, Klobučar GIV. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism - genome changes as a consequence of genotoxicity. 2014. 2nd Symposium of Croatian Laboratory Animal Science Association with international participation “Experimental animals in scientific research“, Zagreb, Croatia. Invited talk

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Bourdineaud J-P, Karaga A, Klobučar GIV. Genomic and gene expression responses to genotoxic stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio). 2014. SETAC Europe, Basel, Switzerland

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Bourdineaud J-P, Klobučar GIV. Zebrafish genome stability after exposure to model genotoxicants. 2012. ESCPB Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Bilbao, Spain.

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Bourdineaud J-P, Klobučar GIV. DNA damage and alterations in zebrafish genome upon exposure to model genotoxicants. 2012. Croatian biological congress, Šibenik, Croatia

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Husnjak I, Merkaš M, Traven L, Cvetković Ž, Klobučar GIV. Genotoxicity assessment of soils near heavy traffic roads using native populations of earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa. 2011. 2nd Young Environmental Scientists Meeting Environmental chalenges in the changing world, Aachen, Germany

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Klobučar GIV. Genotoxicity and genetic changes in RTG-2 fish cell line upon exposure to benzo[a]pyrene and ethyl methanesulfonate detected by the Comet assay and AFLP marker analysis. 2010. ESCPB Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Alessandria, Italy

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Stejskal D, Klobučar GIV. Kavezno izlaganje školjkaša vrste Unio pictorum u procjeni genotoksičnosti onečišćenja kopnenih voda. 2009. Croatian biological congress, Osijek, Croatia


Poster presentations (and oral presentation co-author)

Šrut M, Drechsel V, Höckner M. Epigenetic signatures as sensitive tool in soil ecotoxicology: alterations and relation to biomarker response in heavy metal stressed earthworms. 2016. SETAC/iEOS, Ghent, Belgium

Drechsel V, Šrut M, Schuster M, Höckner M. Coping strategies in earthworms to low levels of Cd. 2016. ESCPB Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Barcelona, Spain

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Erdelez A, Polović D, Furdek M, Peharda M, Klobučar GIV. Impact of coastal pollution on epigenetics and reproductive fitness of marine snail Hexaplex trunculus. 2015. 15th ESEB (European Society of Evolutionary Biology) Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland

Štambuk A, Dennis S, Polović D, Šrut M, Soria-Carrasco V, Gompert Z, Baković V, Klobučar G, Nosil P. Experimental genomic tests for pollution driven rapid evolution in the Mediterranean mussel. 2015. 15th ESEB (European Society of Evolutionary Biology) Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland

Polović D, Dennis S, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Soria-Carrasco V, Gompert Z, Baković V, Klobučar G, Nosil P. Genetic architecture of morphological traits in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus  galloprovincialis. 2015. 15th ESEB (European Society of Evolutionary Biology) Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland

Dennis S, Štambuk A, Polović D, Šrut M, Soria-Carrasco V, Gompert Z, Baković V, Klobučar G, Nosil P. The blueprint of genomic architecture: does adaptation involve genetic tradeoffs? 2015. 15th ESEB (European Society of Evolutionary Biology) Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland

Schauer K, Drechsel V, Šrut M, Dallinger R, Stürzenbaum SR, Höckner M. Stress induced Metallothionein transcription and regulation in earthworms. 2015. Society of experimental biology, Prague, Czech Republik

Bourdineaud J-P, Šrut M, Tkalec M, Brethes D, Malarić K, Klobučar GIV. Electromagnetic fields at the mobile phone frequency (900 MHz) trigger the onset of the general stress response along with DNA modifications in Eisenia fetida earthworms. 2015. Croatian biological congress, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia

Polović D, Dennis Stuart D, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Soria-Carrasco V, Gompert Z, Baković V, Klobučar GIV, Nosil P. Genetička arhitektura morfoloških obilježja dagnje Mytilus galloprovincialis. 2015. Croatian biological congress, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia

Mlinarec J, Klobučar GIV, Porupski I, Mužić M, Šrut M, Maguire I. Karyotype investigations in the European native crayfish. 2015. European Crayfish Conference - Research and Management, Landau, Germany

Mlinarec J, Mužinić M, Šrut M, Klobučar GIV, Maguire I. Karyotype investigations in the European crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Decapoda, Astacidae). 2013. Regional European Crayfish Meeting CrayCro, Rovinj, Croatia

Štambuk A, Šrut M, Šatović Z, Tkalec M, Klobučar GIV. From molecule to genetic diversity: integrated study of pollution impact on Mytilus galloprovinciallis across different levels of biological organization. 2012. ESCPB Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Bilbao, Spain

Malev O, Sauerborn Klobučar R, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Topić Popović N, Strunjak-Perović I, Trebše P, Klobučar GIV, Čož-Rakovac R. The influence of imidacloprid and its transformation product 6-chloronicotinic acid on MXR activity in amphipod Gammarus fossarum and earthworm Eisenia fetida. 2012. CROTOX, Zagreb, Croatia

Sauerborn Klobučar R, Brozović A, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Topić Popović N, Strunjak Perović I, Jadan M, Barišić J, Čož-Rakovac R. Assessment of nitrofurantoin as ecotoxicant. 2012. CROTOX, Zagreb, Croatia

Malev O, Sauerborn Klobučar R, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Topić Popović N, Strunjak-Perović I, Fabbretti E, Trebše P, Klobučar GIV, Čož-Rakovac R. Activity of multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) mechanism after exposure to neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid and its transformation product 6-chloronicotinic acid in amphipod Gammarus fossarum and earthworm Eisenia fetida. 2012. Annual MGPR Meeting and International Conference on Food and Health Safety: Moving Towards Sustainable Agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia

Štambuk A, Šrut M, Šatović Z, Tkalec M, Klobučar GIV. Gene flow vs. pollution pressure: genetic diversity of Mytilus galloprovincialis in eastern Adriatic. 2012.  Croatian Biological Congress, Šibenik, Croatia.

Šrut M, Traven L, Štambuk A, Kralj S, Žaja R, Mićović V, Klobučar GIV.Genotoxicity of marine sediment samples assessed by the Comet assay on PLHC-1 fish hepatoma cell line. 2010. ESCPB Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Alessandria, Italy

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Klobučar GIV. Genotoxicity and genetic changes in RTG-2 fish cell line upon exposure to benzo[a]pyrene and ethyl methanesulfonate detected by the Comet assay and AFLP marker analysis. 2010. NATO SfP 982590 project workshop: Characterisation of hazardous chemical contamination – from environmental chemistry and toxicology to risk assessment, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Lorenzon S, Malev O, Maguire I, Šrut M, Štambuk A, Ferrero EA, Klobučar GIV. Haemolymph parameters and genotoxic response in freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus after temperature stress. 2009. 15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms, Bordeaux, France

Maguire I, Franjević D, Futo M, Gottstein S, Šrut M, Klobučar GIV. Molekularno filogenetski odnosi populacija vrste bjelonogog raka (Austropotamobius pallipes (lereboullet)). 2009. Croatian Biological Congres, Osijek, Croatia

Šrut M, Majnarić K, Štambuk A, Klobučar GIV. Cjelovitost DNA eritrocita klena (Squalius cephalus l.) kao pokazatelj genotoksičnog učinka onečišćenja rijeke Kupe. 2009. Croatian Biological Congres, Osijek, Croatia

Malarić K, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Tkalec M. Evaluation of genotoxic potential of radiofrequency/microwave electromagnetic field (RF/MW EMF) using comet assay in earthworms (Eisenia fetida). 2008. 16th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium, Florence, Italy

Malev O, Šrut M, Maguire I, Štambuk A, Lorenzom S, Ferrero E, Klobučar GIV. Freshwater crayfish in environmental genotoxicity assessment. 2008. 17th Symposium of the International Association of Astacology, Kuopio, Finland

Pavlica M, Mlinarec J, Mužić M, Maguire I, Šrut M, Klobučar GIV. Karyological analysis of three Astacidae species : a preliminary report. 2008. 17th Symposium of the International Association of Astacology, Kuopio, Finland

Malev O, Šrut M, Maguire I, Štambuk A, Lorenzon S, Ferrero EA, Klobučar GIV. Environmental genotoxicity assessment using freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. 2008.  38th Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society, Cavtat, Croatia

Šrut M, Štambuk A, Merkaš M, Klobučar GIV. DNA damage in earthworm coelomocytes after in vivo exposure to heavy metals and pentachlorophenol. 2008.  38th Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society, Cavtat, Croatia

Štambuk A, Šrut M, Finci I, Tkalec M, Malarić K, Pavlica M, Klobučar GIV. Genotoxic effect of radiofrequency/microwave electromagnetic field (RF/MW EMF) in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. 2008.  38th Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society, Cavtat, Croatia

Šrut M, Malev O, Maguire I, Štambuk A, Lorenzon S, Ferrero EA, Klobučar GIV. Caging exposure of freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus for in situ detection of pollution-related genotoxicity. 2008. 2nd International Symposium "Genotoxicity in aquatic systems: Causes, effects and regulatory needs", Dessau Rosslau, Germany

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