Previous projects
- Vector Detect: Detection and Quantification of vectors and their associated pathogens in host tissue
Daniela Sint, Gernot Walder & Michael Traugott (PI), FFG-BRIDGE 1 - BioAWARE: Could Biodiversity Assure Weed regulAtion for Resilient Ecosystem service provision? ERA-net project
Veronika Neidel, Corinna Wallinger, Michael Traugott (PI), - eDNA-Alpfish: Assessing alpine fish species using environmental DNA
Bettina Thalinger, Christian Moritz, Richard Schwarzenberger, Michael Traugott (PI), FFG-BRIDGE 1 - ElatPro: Predicting wireworm activity in top soil for integrated pest management in arable crops
Christiane Zeisler, Michael Traugott (PI), - New Approaches to control wireworms in potatoes: Christiane Zeisler, Michael Traugott (PI), BMLFUW,
- Trophic assessment of ecosystem services provided by carabid beetles in agricultural land: Yasemin Guenay, Corinna Wallinger (PI) and Michael Traugott (Co-PI)
- Effects of fertilization type on biocontrol of pests: Oskar Rubbmark, Daniela Sint (Co-PI) and Michael Traugott (PI)
- Sparkling Science: The effect of fertilization type on invertebrates and plants in cereal fields: Corinna Wallinger, Michael Traugott, johannes Rainer, Ulrike Traugott-Priester, Gabriele Pallua, Andrea Illmer-Zotlöterer, Ute Hiederer-Willi, Daniel Nigg, Daniela Sint (PI)
- Frosch im Wassertropfen - Citizen Science - 350 years University of Innsbruck anniversary project