The PhrasaLex III Workshop on Phraseological Approaches to Lexicography will take place in hybrid form from 10th to 12th July 2024 and is hosted by the Institute for Translation Studies at Innsbruck University.
PhrasaLex III is organised in different sessions and brings together international experts in the fields of lexicography, lexicology, cognitive linguistics, lexicogrammar, corpus linguistics, and NLP. The Workshop is organised in three sessions and two Keynote talks. Round tables at the end of each day will enhance further discussions about theoretical and practical lexicographic key issues.
The PhrasaLex workshop series is linked to PhraseBase, a research project for the creation of a multilingual Linguistic Information System including a learner's dictionary, and is intended as a platform for disseminating project results, for enhancing discussion on lexicographic issues and to encourage the interchange of expert knowledge among participants.
See further details on our official PhrasaLex website www.phrasalex.net
This year the workshop will be held in memory of Patrick Hanks, lexicographer and corpus linguist (www.patrickwhanks.com), who sadly left us in February 2024. Patrick was an enthusiastic supporter of the PhraseBase project at the very beginning and was an active part of the first PhrasaLex workshop, which was held in Modena, Italy, in 2019.
Through our workshop, we wish to honour Patrick’s fundamental theoretical, methodological and, not least, human contribution to our project and to the research of many of the PhrasaLex participants.

Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dr. Thomas Herbst
English Philology and Linguistics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Prof. Dr. Peter Uhrig
Digital Linguistics with a focus on Big Data, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
17:00-17:15 Intro
Warm-up session
17:15-17:45 PhraseBase
17:45-18:15 PhraseBase
Thursday, 11 July 2024
9:00-9:15 Welcome desk
9:45-10:30 Thomas Herbst (Keynote) From learners' dictionaries to construction (Abstract)
10:30-10:50 Coffee break
Session 1: From theory to practice (Chair: Valentina Piunno)
11:00-11:30 PhraseBase
11:30-12:00 Dagmar Divjak (virtual talk): Behavioural Profiles: looking back, looking forward (Abstract)
12:00-12:30 Gillian Susan Philip: Exploitation of formulaic language for humorous purposes: casual racism subverted (Abstract)
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
Session 2 (first part): Methodological aspects (Chair: Elisabetta Ježek)
14:00-14:30 Irene Renau (virtual talk): Patterns and metaphors. A study of metaphorical patterns in the Verbario database of Spanish verbs (Abstract)
14:30-15:00 PhraseBase
15:00-15:30 Carole Tiberius & Lut Colman (virtual talk): Corpus Pattern Analysis for Dutch in Woordcombinaties (Abstract)
15:30-15:50 Coffee break
Session 2 (second part): Methodological aspects (Chair: Elisabetta Ježek)
16:00-16:30 Robert Lew (virtual talk): Generative Transformers versus dictionaries, with particular focus on English phrasal verbs (Abstract)
16:30-17:30 Round Table 1: Ulrich Heid (moderation), Hana Filip, Thomas Herbst, Valentina Piunno
18:45-19:45 Walking Tour
Friday, 12 July 2024
9:00-9:45 Peter Uhrig (Keynote): Collo-Phenomena, Lexicography and AI – Leveraging Computational Advances for more
Efficient Collocation Candidate Extraction (Abstract)
9:45-10:00 Coffee break
Session 3: Multilingual perspectives (Chair: Linda Prossliner)
10:00-10:30 PhraseBase
10:30-11:00 Pedro Ivorra Ordines & Carmen Mellado Blanco (virtual talk): CONSTRIDIOMS: A construction-based repository of constructional idioms in German and Spanish (Abstract)
11:00-11:30 Christine Konecny: Collocations as linguistic “individuals”: identifying collocational polysemy for bilingual lexicographic description (Italian-German) (Abstract)
11:30-12:30 Round Table 2: Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann (moderation), Elisabetta Ježek, Anette Klosa-Kückelhaus, Peter Uhrig
12:30-12:45 Closing
Please send your enquiries to info@phrasalex.net

PhrasaLex III is funded by: